Haycock's Gold Reserve #L2225
northern California
Past Producing Gold Mine
80 acres
pond on site
year 'round creek
2 million yards of virgin gravels
200,000 yards ready to process
average $20 per yard
$20 million est. Gold reserves
 What a Deal
$7,500 lease for 2 years
$10,000 lease for 3 years

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to lease a past producing gold mine in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern California with a rich history of mining.

Testing of the mine was conducted by trenching with an excavator and processing gravels in 2019 and 2020. The mine is 80 acres with approximately 2 million cubic yards of virgin pay gravels remaining. There are 200,000 cubic yards of pay gravels stripped of overburden and ready to process estimated to average $20 per yard. Conservatively estimated the gold reserves are $20 million. There is a pond and a year 'round creek available for a water source.

The mine was previously approved for a small scale mining Plan of Operation with environmental impact approved and a water license from the California Water Board for the use of the pond.

The mine owner will assist the new operator to put in their own water license and Plan of Operation. Use of the pond did not require a discharge permit from the Water Board and this is a big plus for ease of operation.

This is a chance for someone to begin living their dream of gold mining while starting on a small scale with the the potential to scale up operations over time.

The owner will lease the claim for 2 years for $7,500 plus a 10% royalty or for 3 years for $10,000 plus a 10% royalty.

If you would like more information

please email us

and ask about the

Haycock's Gold Reserve #L2225

email us at steve.long@reagan.com

fax 208 265 5377