Cherokee Creek Placer #L1440
Downieville, CA
115 acres
Unpatented Mining Claim
lots of bedrock
large coarse gold
very accessible
great camping options
paperwork current
fees paid to Sept 2012

This is a beautiful 115.99 acre unpatented claim on Cherokee Creek near Cal-Ida and Downieville, CA.

Lush vegetation and abundant bedrock form picturesque cascades and make this a prospecting paradise in one of the most scenic and sought after gold producing areas of California.

The claim has approximately 3/4 of a mile of Cherokee Creek and has been proven to be exceptionally rich with excellent values in both fine and large coarse gold.

Access to the claim is good via dirt road, and there are some great camping options available. 

The claim paperwork is current with BLM and Sierra County, and claim fees are paid up to September 2012. The 115 acre Cherokee Creek Placer claim is offered for sale for $4,850.



If you would like more information

please email us

and ask about the

Cherokee Creek Placer #L1440

fax 208 265 5377


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