Westfork Placer #L670

located in Idaho

160 acre Claim for sale - $12,500 -- SOLD

The old time Prospectors could not do it... but you can!

When the Florence Mining District was first mined in 1862 there was 500 men panning $10 a day on this Creek. Four men with 2 rocker boxes recovered 100 pounds of gold in two days off bedrock on another creek where bedrock could be reached on Nov. 19 and20 of 1861. But bedrock could not be reached on this claim because of the high water table. Note the pictures and they tell the story. Long flat meadows that trap the gold and the water. The gold and the water are still there! An adjacent claim had ground that averaged $3.00 per yard of gold recovered. That operation recovered an estimated 60% of available gold. Nuggets up to 3/4 inch long were lost. All this when gold was $20.67 per ounce.

There is an estimated 250,000 yards of unworked material laying on bedrock

A modern mini excavator and one of today's high recovery systems can do what the 49er's could not do with there pans and rocker boxes.

160 acre Claim for sale at $12,500

To recieve more information email us

and ask about listing #

Westfork Placer #L670

fax (208) 265 5377

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