
xlocated in Mariposa County, California
Patented Mining Property - 88.7 acres

Lot 37 - 80 acres - Gold + Silver

•extends 1.22 miles down mother lode

•estimated >200,000 tons of reserves with 119,925 tons blocked out

•average grade .202Au and 4.273Ag

Lot 50 - 8.7 adjoining acres of mariposite

• virtually unlimited supply of mariposite which wholesales for $300 per ton.

• Zoned as an Industrial Mining Zone

xSales Price: $500,000 USD
for all 88.7acres
will sell/lease separately

Lot 37 -- 80 acres

Lot 50 -- 8.7 acres of mariposite

Lot 37, the Penon Blanco claim was the first patented mine in the area. It has hundreds of feet of tunnels and runs 1.22 miles along the Mother Lode. It was worked to about the 450-foot level and an estimated 119,925 tons of ore is blocked out along the east vein. The estimated average grade is .202 ounces per ton gold and 4.273 ounces per ton silver. This claim is 80 acres. Copies of old reports including one by R. G. Hilker (1984), photographs, documents, maps, and surveys are available.

Lot 50, the north Penon Blanco claim, adjoins Lot 37 and consists of 8.7 acres. The mariposite outcropping (~200' length x 75' width x 50' high) cores out at about 400 feet deep making the tonnage of excellent quality mariposite at over 100,000 tons.

Mariposite is a semi-precious stone, which currently wholesales for about $300 per ton. It is a beautiful greenish quartz rock that has many uses such as tile and slab counter tops, jewelry, waterfalls, sculptures, landscaping, and monument stones.



Panoramic view of mine and outcropping


Closeup view of out cropping






If you would like to know more,

email us and ask about the

Penon Blanco Project (L460)


208 263 1556