Oro Cache Gold Mine #L825
near Prescott, Arizona
20 acre core claim
High Gold Assays - 20 oz/ton
Average Ore Tenor - .28 oz/ton Au
Can be surfaced mined to 300 feet!
Estimated $7 million in Gold Reserves
$85,000 cash
TERMS: 50% down and balance over a 3 year period negotiated. Also would consider outright purchase of partial cash and free trading stock in a solid company.

Located in Yavapai County, Arizona, approximately 20 miles south of Prescott, Arizona and is accessed by 3 miles of the original Climax mine road and roughly .8 miles of jeep road. The property consists of the original 20 acre core claim The mine was first discovered in the mid-1950's and has been subjected only to very small scale "hi-grading' operations in part a result of the lack of access. Recent road construction during the 1990's has greatly improved reasonable access to the property.

The main ore body is described as a "pipe-like" structure along a shear zone between quartz diorite and trachyte. The breccia pipe contains stockwork mineralization as is exposed at surface and within a 100' underground crosscut. Approximately 90% of the crosscut exposes breccia and stockwork veining. The pipe plunges to the southwest at approximately 30 to 35 degrees. Mineralization is predominant in the veins and veinlets, and shear planes within the stockwork; although, there is the presence of free gold and finely divided pyrite in the host rock between the planes of shearing. The known gold-bearing ore minerals are goethite/limonite, secondary hematite, marcasite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Native gold is commonly found in the oxide minerals at and near surface.

Recent selective "hi-grading" at surface has yielded gold ore ranging up to 20 oz/ton Au. As recent as 2000 approximately 15 tons of ore were selectively mined and transported from the mine in 5 gallon buckets in the bed of a 4x4 Toyota pickup to a small gold mill some 8 miles distant. The processed ore yielded 187 ounces of gold from the 15 tons. It is believed that small scale mining can be successfully accomplished, or the deposit developed for a larger mechanized mining program. Underground sampling of the entire stockwork suggests that the ore body as a whole will average approximately 0.28 oz/ton Au. The first 30' of the crosscut drift averages 0.5 oz/ton Au. The entire stockwork breccia zone is amenable to a surface operation down to about 300' of depth. A small scale "hi-grading" operation would employ both small scale surface extraction and hand or light mechanized underground work.

Considerable drilling will be required to define ore reserves below the level of the ; crosscut adit; nevertheless, exploration and small scale mining have defined a probable reserve of about 23,450 tons that is easily exploitable. Of the 23,450 tons, roughly 1000 tons will yield gold values in excess of one ounce of gold per ton, and approximately 22,450 tons of ore will average between 0.2 and O.5 oz/ton. At $900/oz the ore reserve is valued at $7 million. It is quite apparent that much more ore is available but yet to be proved by drilling or underground development. Downward projections to 300' of depth suggest the likelihood of an additional 75,000 tons of ore.

If you are looking for a sweet little gold mine this could be the one. And just think, it is priced less than may new cars!

For more information

please email us

and ask about the

Oro Cache Gold Mine #L825


fax 208 265 5377

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Gold Bearing Stockwork in the Upper Decline of the Oro Cache Mine

underground at the Oro Cache